„Prayer benefits the whole world because peace begins at home and in our hearts. How can we bring peace to the world if we have no peace within us?“
– Mother Teresa


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„For there to be peace in the world, the nations must live in peace.
For there to be peace between nations, cities must not rise against each other.
For there to be peace in the cities, neighbors must understand each other.
For there to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in their own homes.
For there to be peace in the home, one must have peace within the heart.“
– Laotse

If you look closely at nature, you will see the peace of the world. There is an incredible vibration that carries the magic of eternal light and eternal love, a wonderful and incomprehensibly beautiful magic. The wonder of nature is like a fairy tale, where the magic powers of peace purify the soul from everything that does not belong to it. In doing so, it floods and touches every single cell with the white-golden light of compassion, love, and connectedness. It is the heart’s desire of all sentient beings to see the world in peace.

It is man’s most profound destiny to preserve peace on earth as a guardian and guide. But humanity has separated itself from its soul, its highest self, the divine, and lives in its ego, the pain-body. The fear of scarcity nourishes this pain-body of the ego. This has turned the earth into a theater of war, where struggles for power dominate, manipulate, control, oppress, and exploit everything. It is a violation of the universal, cosmic, and spiritual order because we are on Mother Earth as the peacemakers of unity.

„We have brought our garbage and our wars and our racism to every part of the world. We must begin to clean her up, and that means cleaning up our own hearts and minds first, because they led us to poison our dear planet. The sooner we change, the easier it will be to feel our love for Mother Earth and the love she so freely gives back to us.“ – Michael Jackson

Particularly now, when we are in difficult and stormy times, and everything is changing on a daily basis, it is essential to return to the principle of eternity. But where do we start, and why can’t we all live in peace and harmony?

We cannot carry on as we are doing now, and it is our task to change our course! We need to live together as a collective, a global humanism, connected anthropology, worldwide anthroposophy, where we open our hearts and realize that everything is connected and interlaced. Only together can we walk the peaceful warrior’s path, where through our higher energies, vibrations, experiences, dimensions of consciousness and intelligence, we transform everything into a higher and more conscious world. As a single peaceful warrior, we cannot achieve this.

„Those who do not know inner peace themselves will not find it in encounters with other people.“ – Dalai Lama

We need a new, higher world order that allows the transformation towards the all-embracing evolutionary leap of consciousness, intelligence, and thinking. As long as humanity unconsciously strives for higher goals, it is impossible to achieve a new order because they do not remember who they really are and that they do not have access to the higher, ethereal universe. Ever since we started walking through life masked, we have no longer been receiving the Heavenly messages, creating a separate external world from which we are separated. In doing so, the external world shows us what the highest self, the soul, longs for. It is not only a longing but a cry for help for the origin of true unity, completeness, essence, and source.


„There is no way to peace because peace is the way.“
– Mahatma Gandhi

Through a powerful collective energy field of peace, we can contain the universe, the earth, humanity, and all sentient beings. But I perceive a completely different world separated from the eternal light, from eternal peace, from eternal love. It can be manipulated, controlled, and suppressed by the death star of dark powers. It’s destructive forces of the Empire that continuously provide us with disinformation, making us live in fear. And those who live in fear are trapped in their own golden cage and live a life of dependence.

Right now is the most significant opportunity to grow internally and therefore externally through the crises and the resulting blows of fate and upheavals. Hidden behind every change is a new peaceful path that invites us to question and change our life and our world view. If we follow this peaceful warrior’s path, our mental and spiritual potential unfolds, and we feel the connection to the eternal fountain, the eternal light. We need to be open to questioning all thoughts, emotions, realities, actions, and ideas. If we decide to follow the peaceful path, the Death Star powers no longer have control over us, and we live a life in freedom. All untruths will dissolve, and fear will turn into love.

Those who find and understand their true self understand everything and find the universal. By following the peaceful warrior’s path, we follow the path of elevating our consciousness, and through consciousness, we recognize our true nature. Those who know their true being live a life in harmony with the spiritual and cosmic laws. It is all about the deep insights that lead to eternal peace, light, wisdom, and love in our consciousness.

„We must be the change we want to see in the world.“
– Mahatma Gandhi

When we realize that we are peaceful warriors of light, ambassadors of universal love, the transformation towards eternal peace can begin. The change can only take place if we take responsibility for our own being, our highest self. Those who carry the inner peace within themselves carry the peace of the earth out into the world. Whoever has achieved the mastery of peace of mind, to be mindful, compassionate, and peaceful, meet all sentient beings with respect and appreciate life, creates the all-encompassing world peace culture. Every individual can contribute to the creation of a healthy and compassionate future world.

„All nations and all religions of the earth can join Buddha, the great teacher of the highest truth. And all nations and all religions of the earth can join Christ, the divine power in the highest truth. And mutual understanding means peace in the world. And this peace is the soul of the new world. And anthroposophy must lead to this soul, which should govern the earth as the spiritual science of all people amid all earthly culture.“
– Rudolf Steiner, Lecture on May 5th, 1912, in GA 130

Only through a higher consciousness we can achieve a higher vibration, leading to inner peace. This is a new, higher dimension of human existence! It is essential in bringing peace to the outside. If humanity awakens, we will achieve a more elevated, evolutionary way of thinking and become aware of our consciousness’s power. Our consciousness has the ability to resolve the worst hardships, create new values, and add a profound meaning to the affirmation of life. When the transformation of inner peace begins within ourselves, unconditional, universal, and eternal love will unfold. It is our decision and responsibility whether we want peace or not. Above all, to reflect where peace is truly anchored.

„When the pain-body has overtaken you, you want more and more pain. You become a victim or a perpetrator. You want to inflict or suffer pain yourself, or both. There is not much difference between the two. Naturally, you are not aware of this and will claim vehemently that you do not want pain. But look closely, and you will realize that your thoughts and actions serve to keep the pain alive for yourself and others. If you were conscious of this, then this pattern would dissolve because it is insane to want to increase the pain, and nobody consciously chooses insanity.“
– Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

Those trapped in their body of pain live a life through the ego’s power and promote social, ecological, political, health, religious, economic, and collective problems. This is why wars, crises, conflicts, cruelties, and blows of fate arise, caused by the separation from our soul, our highest self, our Superself, our being. The moment we separate from our soul, we disconnect from peace. Humanity can only survive if we understand that eternal peace is the path of the peaceful warrior.


„One of the prerequisites for peace is tolerance for differences and the diversity of life.“ – Dalai Lama

A peaceful warrior does not wage wars to bring about peace. Instead, he goes out into the world with the confidence and understanding that exchange and non-violence in love, truth, and peace are the essences of everything. If we genuinely want to see peace in the world and ourselves, we need to understand that we are obliged to change from being separated to being connected.

Our earth is a living creature in which all is one. If we understand that all is one, there is no domination, exploitation, oppression, manipulation, control, fear, scarcity, and violence. If man changes, everything changes. Without internal peace, there cannot be external peace. Politicians are not responsible for our peace, but we ourselves are. Only through the collective decision to live and act in peace can we preserve ourselves, humanity, all sentient beings, and Mother Earth.

„All corrections must unite down here, in Israel, because all roots are connected, and they function through their branches, and everything will be in unity, fusion, and all-round love. And that is called peace.“
— Rav Chaim Luzzato, Adir beMarom, S.227

Therefore, now is the right time for a collective process of awakening and consciousness, reflecting and opening up to the heart’s voice, the eternal truth and the eternal light, and flood the room with eternal peace.

Those who are united with their soul walk the peaceful warrior’s path and the mystery and magic of eternal peace is revealed to them. Whoever feels the eternal peace sees that in reality, everything in nature is interconnected. If we do not understand that we must act now, our children and grandchildren will no longer have a home. We all have the responsibility to promote and protect peace all over the world. That is why we must begin to consolidate peace in our minds.

“Peace can only be found in the forests.“ – Michaelangelo

The peaceful warrior always chooses mental healing to bring about spiritual healing. It’s a matter of creating meaning and peace on earth, creating a sense of direction and bringing clarity. Those who carry the eternal wisdom in their awakened consciousness experience the spiritually oriented path of knowledge of peace and make conscious decisions that serve their fellow human beings. Those who are connected to their highest self, the soul, dissolve all obstacles and karmas.

As soon as the global vibration of eternal peace, love, light, and compassion surrounds and protects everything, we, through knowledge and willingness, always choose peace instead of war.

„When we turn the mind inwards, we attain discernment. Through discernment, we find the truth.“
– Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Our inner peace is a universal, natural gift that contributes to the world peace of humanity. We get back anything we send out into the world. We always have the option of embracing our life and finding the truths within. For this, we must find mental and spiritual peace to make compassionate decisions in interpersonal relationships and situations. Once we are all at peace and full of love, the world and Mother Nature will shine forth as the most beautiful paradise.

The more we resonate with peace, the more we can be the light of the world. So decide and answer these questions for yourselves:

Do you want to live in peace, truth, and connectedness with yourself, your fellow human beings, all sentient beings, and Mother Earth? Or in fear, scarcity, division, and separation?

So free yourselves from fear and division, and reflect on a true life in harmony with all that is there. Open your heart and flood the world with the love of your heart and most profound compassion.

And internalize the words:

We are the light of the world!
We are the love and the truth of the world!
We are the Peace!
We choose peace!
And we decide for peace!

„Admiring the beautiful,
Protecting the truth,
Worshipping the noble,
Deciding the beneficial;
It guides man,
In life to goals,
In actions to the right,
In feelings of peace,
In thinking to the light;
And it teaches him to trust
The divine rule
In everything that is:
In the universe,
At the core of the soul.“
– Rudolf Steiner


„When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.“

- Jimi Hendrix

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