„In this world, God has surrounded and strengthened man with everything he needs and surrounded him with great power, so that creation should stand with him at all times. All of Nature shall be at his disposal, so that he may work with it because man can neither live nor exist without it.“
– Hildegard von Bingen

Our task is to reconnect with true Nature and to live in accordance with Mother Earth and all sentient beings. Currently, man lives separately from creation and collective consciousness. That is why it is crucial for each individual and for the world population as a whole to achieve a social, political, economic, ecological, cultural, spiritual, and theological change of consciousness. Through this change of consciousness and the connection with the eternal light, the whole world shall be healed, and a new, higher world order of the absolute truth shall awaken. Thus, new evolutionary Supergenerations will arise, which embody entities with superior intelligence and higher beings of consciousness, and will turn conscious forms of life, Nature, Creation, and the Universe into a Supernature, a Supercreation, and a Superuniverse. From the soul to the Supersoul, from the Supersoul to the Overself, from the Overself to the Superoverself!

In the darkest time of the year, Mother Nature lays a magical, silent and healing veil over humanity and all sentient beings. It is the most sacred time of the year, when the nights are longer than the days and the hope for the rebirth of light grows ever greater. And yet the four-week Advent season...
As the days get darker, we begin to enter the interior of our home and a mysterious world takes centre stage. It is the magic of the spirit and soul of the home that gives us warm feelings of security, protection, comfort and safety. In this very special threshold time, when we need the space to retreat...
If you look deep into nature, you will see the peace of the world. It is an incredible vibration that carries the magic of eternal light and eternal love. A magic where everything is marvellous and incomprehensibly beautiful. The wonder of nature is like a fairy tale, where the magic of peace purifies the soul...
The wafts of mist drift through the woods and envelop the trees in a silky sea of magic as if by magic. It is the beginning of a time of reflection, of returning and turning inwards. And by entering the forest, we immerse ourselves in a mystical and hidden world of nature beings and nature spirits. A magical world...
For our life on earth and to find our soul path, rooting and connecting with the healing Mother Earth is the essence. Without being rooted in Mother Earth, we cannot experience her power and wisdom. Therefore, it is our task to recognise that humanity is a part of the...


"He who changes himself changes the world. There is nothing to improve in this world, but there is much to improve in oneself.”

- Thorwald Dethlefsen, The Challenge Of Fate

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